Last Updated: 12.26.24
For people who work with me, this “User Manual” is a guide to better collaboration and outcomes. It’s a living document and if you’re reading this, I’d welcome your feedback!
How I Think
- Explore
- Definition: Go and see for yourself
- Output Latticework
- Quote: I'm not interested in whether the glass is half empty or half full. I'm interested in figuring out how to fill the glass.
- Evolve
- Definition: Relentless improvement
- Output: Writing
- Quote: Take a simple idea and take it seriously
- Explain
- Definition: What’s not being said
- Output Truth
- A person's success in life can be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations they are willing to have
How I Act
- Wartime CEO
- Definition: Hyper-rational, solutions oriented
- Strength: Steady hand in a crisis
- Weakness: Default to binary thinking
- Coach
- Definition: Empathetic and motivational, teaching oriented
- Strength: Teambuilding
- Weakness: Not everyone wants or needs coaching!
KidDad- Definition: Fun “big kid” playing with daughters, escape oriented
- Strength: Fun
- Weakness: Goes too far
- Victim
- Definition: Why is this happening to me, self-pity oriented
- Strength: Root cause analysis
- Weakness: Complaining and dropping baggage on others
The TL;DR summary here is that I like building systems that tell the truth. In organizations, in relationships, in crisis, in…pretty much anything. When we have the truth we can make better decisions to continuously improve that system.
How I Communicate
- When sending - direct, blunt, to the point verbally and written. “Can I be wildly candid with you?”
- When receiving - prefer the same, little patience for long winded, spin, or dishonesty. “Get to the point!”
- With feedback - just hit me as hard as you can, in as close to real-time as you can. “Don’t pull your punches”
How I Communicate…Tactically
- Urgency
- Urgent - call me direct and we’ll problem solve
- Non-urgent - send me a memo or a voice memo with a time you want an answer
- Mediums
- Meetings - please no more meetings! If we have to, keep it organized and useful (everyone rates it a 10/10)
- Messages (email, Telegram, Slack) - please tag me if you need urgent answer, otherwise I batch at EoD
- Documents - use a classic memo format, I do heavily judge the quality of your memos
Quirks, Peeves, and Triggers
- I am extremely fidget-y (I can’t work sitting down) and bite my nails when I’m feeling anxious
- I hate when documents have margins greater than .1 inches! Wasting space!
- It drives me nuts when people don’t have agendas for meetings and can’t manage the clock
Surprising Facts
- I can do extroverted work well, but I’m actually an introvert and prefer alone time to read, think, write, etc
- I can’t wrap up my day and sleep soundly without inbox zero, no unread messages, a plan for tomorrow, etc
- I have a monthly newsletter for family and friends instead of using social media to stay in touch