


To tell someone the Truth you must:

  1. Be accurate and not withhold information

To tell someone the Truth and have them hear it you must:

  1. Attune
  2. Provide context
  3. Be accurate and not withhold information

To tell someone the Truth, have them hear it, and have them act on it you must:

  1. Have trust
  2. Attune
  3. Provide context
  4. Be accurate and not withhold information
  5. Support integration of the Truth

In other words, unless you can deliver the Truth with ethos (credibility / trust), pathos (emotional connection / attunement), and logos (logical argument / accuracy) it’s not going to go over well. To do this, first you have to have the courage to be disliked. Second, you have to actually tell the Truth, and say the things that are not being said. Third, you have to do it:

  1. Using Non-Violent Communication
  2. Practicing Active Listening
  3. Being 100% Present

You cannot be a real Truth Teller without first becoming an excellent, compassionate communicator. Ironically, you can become a world-class communicator and NOT a Truth Teller. The combination of communication and Truth Telling IS Leadership. This relationship explored more in 🤼Leadership vs CEO